Testimonials Endorsing UMOWA’s Mission

“My professional career has been devoted to permanently conserve agricultural lands, fish and wildlife habitat, and open space. I am pleased to be associated with the Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance; the principal organization dedicated to preserving and protecting this vital watershed through valid collection of scientific data.”

Jay Erickson
Montana Land Reliance, Managing Director, Retired

“UMOWA is doing great work! Living in Montana, I see first-hand, many river stewardship organizations and I am impressed with the commitment, science, and effectiveness of the Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance.”

Bruce Richards
Fly Fishers International – Casting Board of Governors Emeritus
Scientific Anglers – 3M – retired

“It has been an absolute privilege to work with the Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance in their effort to promote appreciation, knowledge, and conservation of Montana’s native birds, other wildlife, and natural ecosystems through their streambank restoration projects. I support their efforts and commend their dedication.”

Larry Berrin
Executive Director, Montana Audubon

“I have been involved with the Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance since its inception in 2014. Over these past 6 years, I have watched the organization mature and grow to become the most effective and significant watershed guardian organization on the Upper Missouri river. UMOWA has adopted a science-based approach to data collection and dissemination that is truly remarkable. Their work has been invaluable in the effort to preserve and protect this vital resource.”

Mark Raisler
Co-owner, Headhunters Fly Shop, Craig, Montana