Clean. Drain. Dry.

Invasive species threaten the health of Montana's waterways. Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance encourages all floaters, boaters, and anglers to follow all Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks invasive species laws, and #CleanDrainDry your watercraft after every use.

Photo courtesy of Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks

What is Clean, Drain, Dry?


  • Completely remove all mud, water, and vegetation with a pressurized power sprayer from watercraft and equipment with 120°F water before leaving the access area. No need to use chemicals or soap.
  • Be sure to dispose of vegetation and debris in the trash or on dry land away from water or ramp.


  • Remove all water from your watercraft and equipment before leaving the access area.
  • Draining removes small and nearly invisible organisms that can be found in standing water.


  • Dry your watercraft and fishing equipment thoroughly with a towel or in the sun. Drying will kill most invasive species.
  • Aquatic invaders can survive only in water and wet areas. The longer you keep your watercraft, trailer, waders, and other equipment outside in the hot sun, the better.

Did you know?

Every piece of clothing can be a vector for invasive species transportation.

To avoid any accidental spread of invasive species, you should even clean your waders after fishing!

One pesky invasive species in Montana is the New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum). They can be found attached to your waders or boots and can be killed by exposure to heat.

Learn how to clean your waders here.

How is UMOWA is taking action?

UMOWA and the Missouri River Trout Shop have installed Craig’s first boat washing station. The facility consists of a high-pressure washer and cleaning supplies and is open to the public at no charge.

Learn more here.


In 2021, UMOWA will partake in the following events:

Stay Tuned for details on these conservation events!